The animated series Chhota Bheem launched in 2008. Due to its success, Green Gold Animation, an Indian animation content producer associated with PVR Pictures, released its first full-length movie, Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan. That movie was a surprise success at the Indian box office.[8] This movie was also directed by Rajiv Chilaka, with Yash Raj Films distributing the film.[1][9][4]
The film was produced in the summer, of 2010, while the prequels Chhota Bheem and the Curse Of Damyaan and Chhota Bheem: Master of Shaolin were still in theaters. Chilaka read a newspaper article about Bali and was inspired to create another full-length movie with Green Gold Animation. He began to work on the movie on August 17, 2010, and it was released on May 3, 2013.[10]
Chota Bheem Bali Full Movie In Hindi 20